Saturday, March 31, 2007
problems of Grandma:
-when hand Ik is on, if I move the hand control around, the hand will rotate in 360 degrees ......
-the neck cintrol influence/control Grandma's upper body, any way to lock everyhing except the neck??
Shot 7--Ver.05(combine with shot 6)
I combine these twho shots to see the connection, I think everything happens to early, I should show just the environment few more frames, then chunpy... them the hand comes in...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Rig_paperbag ver.002
Rig_paperbag ver.001
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
new model instead --Shot13.Ver01
will fix it la
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
3times of chunpy pops up...
The last one which is chunpy got puched, I think it should take longer time.
Other birds are not done yet.... will post soon
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Schdule update Mar-25-2007
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - blocking ver.001 Mar-17-2007
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), blocking ver.001 done
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.004 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----Kai- blocking ver.001
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai done, Feb-24-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina - done. angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to replace Chunpy model and facial expression dute to Mar-17-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), blocking ver.001
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - blocking ver.001
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- tina , due to Mar-31-2007
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.001 done...
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫-----
Saturday, March 17, 2007
turn on action safe box
Teahcer points out that we need to turn on the action safe box in camera setting, so that we wont miss anything la
Friday, March 16, 2007
Shotcam002 - blocking ver.002
01. added more details on Grandma
02. blocking 1 bird and copy offset 4 birds
03. need more birds
04. Chunpy need to work on the bad flying skill
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Camera Mask
because cameras in our scenes are already set, we can not import a camera which I hav set a camera mask any more
however, an easy way to put a blask mask on the screen is
1. create a polygon plane with 3x3 division
2. change the move and rotate setting to object then parent this plane to the shot camera
3. the attributes of this plane will change because of the on the camera then change the attributes Tx Ty Tz Rx Ry Rz back to 0 (do not use freeze).
4. type 90 or -90 on the Ry (or Rx or Rz....I forgot), this action will make the 90 degree to the camera.
5. now you can delete the middle face in the plane then move edges to match the camera's resolution gate.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Schdule update Mar-10-2007
!!!!!9 weeks more from final presentation!!!!!
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.001 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - processing... Mar-17-2007
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), processing Due to Mar-17-2007
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - Feb-21-2007 (before Feb-25-2007 24:00) (extend to Mar-17-2007)
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ---- tina - March-03 !!! switch to Kai Due to Mar-17-2007
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai done, Feb-24-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to replace Chunpy model and facial expression dute to Mar-17-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), processing (due to Mar-24-2007)
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.001 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - processing (due to Mar-24-2007)
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- Chiou
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- kai, due to Mar-242007
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.001 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou Due to Mar-17-2007
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫-----
Friday, March 09, 2007
Shotcam002 - blocking ver.001
01. pose and timing block out ver.001
02. extra birds havn't added
Personality development modified ver.002
But the other birds' mouth must be shrink as the file I sent.
And Chunpy's head feather much bigger than the others circle -->10 enlarge -->10
It makes that Chunpy's mouth and feather obvisouly bigger than the others.
This kind of difference also develop the reason why grandma want to catch Chunpy.
please replace new Chunpy to ur scenes ASAP.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
need one more control
Can you make a controler for chunpy's eye blink instead of keying all these 12 small circles please?
Usually the lower eye lids don't move when you blink right?~~
3Q la
Chunpy_dafault pose for the Chunpy happy and proud personality
-How to undo the camera setting? like to go back to the previous setting of the camera.
-How to change the shape of chunpy? I want to create other birds, so I need to change the outline/design. If the blend shape was the only way, how could I duplicate the body geomotry? I tried it once but it didn't work out properly.
-老老ㄉ茶plz give me the clip that teaches how to use jcAnimCS mel~~ 3Q~~~
ㄌ一ㄚˇ ㄍㄨㄥˊing
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
shotcam 033 critique
Critique for shotcam no.012
Tina' shot critiques (no.7 and 8)
shotcam008 -
1. camera angle change back to the original camera, then change the position of the hand.
2. the clip begins with Chunpy eating the bird seed, cut the fingers move in the beginning.
3. the other bird should 搶食物, (reference to the animatic), then Chunpy attack the other bird, so that K can cut to the next shot.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Chunpy ver.014
Sunday, March 04, 2007
personality development
1. mouth shirk to -6
2. Head feather enlarge to the max and circle