Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Assignments due Oct-10-2006

K - finish animatic in both premiere(there should be some rough music FX in the following week) and maya files.
note 01. rename file to "001_park - grandma feeds birds.mb" --> this kind format
note 02. shotcam no. shows on the shotcams.

Tina - finish shotcam no.3; refine shotcam no.9 and no.10

Chiou - blocking shotcam no.x (uncertain) which is Grandma catch chunpy in the apartment and give it to K for animatic.
refine models rigging

note from class:
video ref clips :
1. secret of nimh
2. owl - eyes
3. figaro - opening scenes of Pinochio
4. Psycho (Alfred Hitchocock)
Book ref clips :

1. the making of Psycho

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