Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Shot12_test rendering
chunpy is so blur , especially the eyes.... the outline it still too strong.
birdseed is hard to see, color is too similar to the ground. so can not see the seeds are falling out from the bag
Shot003_test rendering
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
TP_shot024 rendering test ver.002
animation pushed
head feather still cross to the bag a few frames...
tail animation need to push
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
TP_shot022 - test rendering ver.001
camera testing
animation - head feather need to fix, eyes blinks
Friday, May 04, 2007
TP_shot023 rendering test ver.001
animation:add blinks while head rotate
render:object on the end screenleft need to fix, bag shadow need to fit to the shot 24
Thursday, May 03, 2007
TP_shot021 rendering test ver.002
animation - grandma's arms and eyes blinks need to improve
window view render havnt done, grandma eyes texture havnt done(changed), beginning chunpy need to be fix(changed), curtain looks wield(add shadow)..
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
TP_shot021 - test rendering ver.001
window view render havnt done, grandma eyes texture havnt dont, beginning chunpy need to be fix, curtain looks wield..
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
TP_Shot001+002 - test rendering ver.003
animation pushed, birdseed movement needs to improve, shot002 otherbirds havnt finished
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Schdule update April - 28 -2007
K - 排版 shot0xx,0xx render 前 render 後, 2 poses for Chunpy and Grandmam, list of DS classes teacher
Tina - textures textures textures shot007,011 render 前 render 後, 2 poses for Chunpy and Grandma, layout for the park and apartment, list of DS classes teacher, change the story outline
Chiou - timeline, shot001,002 render 前 render 後, 2 poses for Chunpy and Grandma, layout for street, list of DS classes teacher
H 31.21
S 0.702
V 0.650 0.885 --> change to 0.5 0.4
H 28.43 -->change to 14.46 14.46
S 0.435 -->change to 0.220 0
V 0.500 0.605 -->change to 0.891 0.923
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
TP_shot001 render test ver.002
all birds rendered
animation needs to push more...
birdseeds texture needs to be changed
birds shadow needs to improve
Friday, April 20, 2007
Render farm
park~~ only color layer
i was trying to work on some other texture.... but all the UV maps are lost(Maya keeps showing error ....that the object can not be found) which means i can not paint the texture by UV maps... so I just add color, such as grass and the bench.
I believe after we add the outliner and shadow , it will be very nice.
the clumps has transparency node,so maybe we don't/can't add outliner lo
I think the sky need to be changed... too much clouds ... maybe?
Is it possible to create shadows just like the Old version?
(I add 2 sun lights in the trees to create bright and dark tones of trees)
k' comment:
old version look good la..... new version look flat lo...(if use new one...i think tree are too much texture...too much line...bother eyes )
Chunpy ver.018 updated
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 ----鳥食掉下後停住的時間太一致
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- ok
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入---鏡頭修改 停在天空時間久一點 建築物位置修改 前方建築太過擁擠.道路沒看出有樓梯的感覺 若可以建議可以直接把阿罵移進鏡頭依點 改變一下道路高低 或是用其他方式讓大家知道阿罵是在下樓梯....
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- 移動阿罵 左移.. chunpy 視線 看左 同學有給意見... 阿罵用眼神暗示窗戶有東西後 走離畫面 chunpy才出現 目前 chunpy出現的有點早... 要不要zoom in 可以在研究 因為接下來的shot 鏡頭很像 都是在窗櫺邊邊..
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- chunpy保持在鏡頭左邊 但別跑出鏡頭... 時間可能要加快...
23.chunpy飛入停在紙袋前觀望 ----- 去掉轉頭 更新袋子
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 ----- 更新袋子 鳥食 老湯說鳥啄食動作有點僵硬
33.影子 ---最後抓到鳥時 的位置要更上方 整個形狀才不會被擋住...架子往上移 牆壁連接線 往後移 右邊整個空白留太多
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 -----未完成
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- ok 改鳥食形狀 注意chunpy 啄食常啄到椅子.... 老湯看出來的.....
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ----鏡頭微調 完成動作 改鳥食形狀 手出現第二次上下晃動... 上一個shot已經出現一次....可以考慮刪掉一次 .... 可刪可不刪
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- chunpy頭動, 椅子上加鳥食 更換紙袋 angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨-----修改動作..在椅子上的時間過長 吃的 動作 拿袋子的方式 和加上破洞....
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- ok (速度放慢...可以後製時加快...) 推鳥食? 可加可不加 開窗後鏡頭依舊晃動.要停止...
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- 鳥落地時要改...眼神...其他鳥的動作...
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 -----最後的動作停久一點 加入幾次札眼 (已修改)
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----ok
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----動作修改... 鏡頭微調 (已修改)
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----跳剪掉 動作修改... 前面一小段也剪掉 讓前後連貫 (已修改)
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----修改動作 去掉幾個吃的動作 放慢速度 加上鳥食 最後停住時chunpy和阿罵最好都過了中線....
15.阿罵入公寓 ----考慮最後chunpy需不需要飛走...tom 說 若需要飛走 則下一個shot 不需由黑到清楚,若只停下來 最後不飛走的動作 就需要由黑到清楚 (已修改)
25.紙袋破掉-----最後停久一點..注意後面缺少家具.... 同學建議 破一次小洞 繼續吃 破第2次 後才抬頭....
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----死鳥模型做完 (已修改)
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
TP_Shot033_rendering test
This is the way which there is no shadow drawing on the background.
The shadow should be some other color, but this is only a composite test.
a.The rendering which composite all elements which is background, character shadow and sets shadow.
b. background color which drew from Tina's background drawing with toon outline done from maya render.
c. background sets shadow which I adjusted the evel in photoshop
d. character shadow, animation is also in this layer
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Schdule update Apr-14-2007
Tina draw the textures of the park
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - due to Apr-07-2007 extended to Apr-21-2007!!!
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), blocking ver.002 done
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai pose and timing change, focus on elbow..put shadow Apr-21-2007
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.004 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----Kai- blocking ver.002 add push in the end due to Apr-14-2007
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai ver.001 done, change the camera sudden move, eye aimed and last jumpping Apr-21-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina - add chunpy's little movement, replace model!!! due Apr-21-2007 angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to push more squash and stretch on jump down from the bench and add facial expression, add some rotate while he was jumping, replace bag due to Apr-07-2007 extend to Apr-21-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), blocking ver.001
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - blocking ver.001 add somthing more
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007 extend to Apr-14-2007
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- tina , combined to Shot 17
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done...
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
25.紙袋破掉----- make the hole smaller
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----Kai
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----Kai
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫----- Chiou,
33.影子------ Chiou, due to Apr-14-2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
about that shot-two birds on the tree
Teacher mention this shot is coming from out of nowhere, and we are breaking the 180 degree camera rule. we either take out this shot or add some insert shots to make it reasonable.
We brought out these two birds sitting on the tree, but they don't have really important meaning in this film, unless we add some other shots to show their fallowing or previous action/movement.
If we want to make this camera angel work without breaking it. we need to add the opposite angel from that 180 degree camera angel to introduce all these character's relationships.
For these reasons, I suggest we take it out, that will be easier la.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
watch out the crazy IK handle
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Schdule updated Apr-07-2007
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - due to Apr-07-2007 extended to Apr-14-2007
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), blocking ver.002 done
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai done
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.004 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----Kai- blocking ver.001 due to Apr-07-2007
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai ver.001 done, cut the shaking and add another Apr-14-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina - done. angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to push more squash and stretch on jump down from the bench and add facial expression dute to Apr-07-2007 extend to Apr-14-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), blocking ver.001
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - blocking ver.001 add somthing more
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007 extend to Apr-14-2007
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- tina , combined to Shot 17
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done...
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫-----
33.影子------ Chiou, due to Apr-14-2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Shot18 Ver.oo1
Here are the feedbacks from instructor.
Need to reblock........
Start with Grandma walks in and hold the paperbag in both hands, she puts the bag on the table carefully and sprays the seeds on the table right away.
(Paperbag is the key in this shot, so she needs to treat it well)
Then continue with what I have done so far..
Grandma will leave with snidy smile after she opens window
Camera moves
Camera is locked until when the time that window is opened, camera moves too.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Schedule update 04-01-2007
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - due to Apr-07-2007
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), blocking ver.001 done due to Apr-07-2007
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai done
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.004 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----Kai- blocking ver.001 due to Apr-07-2007
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai done, Feb-24-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina - done. angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to push more squash and stretch on jump down from the bench andd add facial expression dute to Apr-07-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), blocking ver.001
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - blocking ver.001
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.001 done... due to Apr-07-2007
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫-----
Saturday, March 31, 2007
problems of Grandma:
-when hand Ik is on, if I move the hand control around, the hand will rotate in 360 degrees ......
-the neck cintrol influence/control Grandma's upper body, any way to lock everyhing except the neck??
Shot 7--Ver.05(combine with shot 6)
I combine these twho shots to see the connection, I think everything happens to early, I should show just the environment few more frames, then chunpy... them the hand comes in...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Rig_paperbag ver.002
Rig_paperbag ver.001
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
new model instead --Shot13.Ver01
will fix it la
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
3times of chunpy pops up...
The last one which is chunpy got puched, I think it should take longer time.
Other birds are not done yet.... will post soon
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Schdule update Mar-25-2007
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - blocking ver.001 Mar-17-2007
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), blocking ver.001 done
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.004 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----Kai- blocking ver.001
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai done, Feb-24-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina - done. angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to replace Chunpy model and facial expression dute to Mar-17-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), blocking ver.001
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - blocking ver.001
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- tina , due to Mar-31-2007
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.001 done...
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫-----
Saturday, March 17, 2007
turn on action safe box
Teahcer points out that we need to turn on the action safe box in camera setting, so that we wont miss anything la
Friday, March 16, 2007
Shotcam002 - blocking ver.002
01. added more details on Grandma
02. blocking 1 bird and copy offset 4 birds
03. need more birds
04. Chunpy need to work on the bad flying skill
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Camera Mask
because cameras in our scenes are already set, we can not import a camera which I hav set a camera mask any more
however, an easy way to put a blask mask on the screen is
1. create a polygon plane with 3x3 division
2. change the move and rotate setting to object then parent this plane to the shot camera
3. the attributes of this plane will change because of the on the camera then change the attributes Tx Ty Tz Rx Ry Rz back to 0 (do not use freeze).
4. type 90 or -90 on the Ry (or Rx or Rz....I forgot), this action will make the 90 degree to the camera.
5. now you can delete the middle face in the plane then move edges to match the camera's resolution gate.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Schdule update Mar-10-2007
!!!!!9 weeks more from final presentation!!!!!
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.001 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - processing... Mar-17-2007
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), processing Due to Mar-17-2007
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - Feb-21-2007 (before Feb-25-2007 24:00) (extend to Mar-17-2007)
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ---- tina - March-03 !!! switch to Kai Due to Mar-17-2007
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai done, Feb-24-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to replace Chunpy model and facial expression dute to Mar-17-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), processing (due to Mar-24-2007)
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.001 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - processing (due to Mar-24-2007)
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- Chiou
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- kai, due to Mar-242007
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.001 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou Due to Mar-17-2007
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫-----
Friday, March 09, 2007
Shotcam002 - blocking ver.001
01. pose and timing block out ver.001
02. extra birds havn't added
Personality development modified ver.002
But the other birds' mouth must be shrink as the file I sent.
And Chunpy's head feather much bigger than the others circle -->10 enlarge -->10
It makes that Chunpy's mouth and feather obvisouly bigger than the others.
This kind of difference also develop the reason why grandma want to catch Chunpy.
please replace new Chunpy to ur scenes ASAP.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
need one more control
Can you make a controler for chunpy's eye blink instead of keying all these 12 small circles please?
Usually the lower eye lids don't move when you blink right?~~
3Q la
Chunpy_dafault pose for the Chunpy happy and proud personality
-How to undo the camera setting? like to go back to the previous setting of the camera.
-How to change the shape of chunpy? I want to create other birds, so I need to change the outline/design. If the blend shape was the only way, how could I duplicate the body geomotry? I tried it once but it didn't work out properly.
-老老ㄉ茶plz give me the clip that teaches how to use jcAnimCS mel~~ 3Q~~~
ㄌ一ㄚˇ ㄍㄨㄥˊing