3 weeks more form presentation!!! Hurry!!!!
Tina draw the textures of the park
1.鳥食落地 鳥飛入 -----Chiou , blocking ver.002 done..
2.阿罵灑鳥食 鳥聚集 chunpy飛入 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done
3.chunpy想進入鳥群 探頭探腦 ----- Tina - due to Apr-07-2007 extended to Apr-21-2007!!!
4.chunpy 進入鳥群 被彈出 ----- kai(2), blocking ver.002 done
5.chunpy 特寫 吹羽毛 走開 被鳥食落下打到 ----- kai(0.5) - done
6.鏡頭由下往上 看到阿罵 阿罵灑鳥食 -----kai pose and timing change, focus on elbow..put shadow Apr-21-2007
7.阿罵用手勢頃chunpy上來 chunpy飛上椅子 ---- tina - blocking ver.004 done..
8.chunpy 吃阿罵手上的鳥食 另一隻鳥出現 ---- tina - blocking ver.001 done..
9.兩段式鏡頭特寫 兩隻鳥的爭吵 ----Kai- blocking ver.002 add push in the end due to Apr-14-2007
10.chunpy把另一隻鳥擠掉 -----kai ver.001 done, change the camera sudden move, eye aimed and last jumpping Apr-21-2007
11.chunpy過肩鏡頭 阿罵走離公園---- tina - add chunpy's little movement, replace model!!! due Apr-21-2007
12.law angle 阿罵走進 離開鏡頭 chunpy飛下椅子跟隨----- tina hav to push more squash and stretch on jump down from the bench and add facial expression, add some rotate while he was jumping, replace bag due to Apr-07-2007 extend to Apr-21-2007
13.街道上 chunpy跟隨阿罵----kai(2), blocking ver.001
14.鏡頭由上往下 房子 街道 阿罵走下樓梯 chunpy飛入--- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
15.阿罵入公寓 ---- Kai - blocking ver.001 add somthing more
16.chunpy 飛到公寓旁---- Chiou - deleted
17.阿罵把紙袋放到桌上----- tina , due to Apr-07-2007 extend to Apr-14-2007
18.阿罵開窗戶 下望----- tina , combined to Shot 17
19.chunpy抬頭 -----kai(1)
21.阿罵走離鏡頭 chunpy飛到窗戶---- Chiou ,blocking ver.002 done...
22.chunpy從窗戶飛到桌上 ----- Chiou, blocking ver.002 done...
23.chunpy停在紙袋前觀望 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
24.chunpy 再紙袋裡吃鳥食 -----Chiou - done model transfered to Chunpy ver.014
25.紙袋破掉----- make the hole smaller
27.破洞望出 牆上有鳥模型 -----Kai
30. chunpy眼睛大特寫-----Kai
30.紙袋望出 阿罵眼睛出現-----
32.chunpy逃離 特寫----- Chiou,
33.影子------ Chiou, due to Apr-14-2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
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