Friday, September 30, 2005
Presentation 可能遭遇問題大接龍啦...
先 post 一個先..
1. 鳥的走路方式是如何呢??
jump --> by squash and stretch
fly --> by his wings moving fast..but his flying is very very slow
wak-->by his legs
2. About Rigging
Model x2 --> 1 for before he was full, 1 is after full
each model has 2 rigging --> 1 for jumping (more squash and stretch), 1 for walking and pecking the bird seeds(more root ,leg and shoulder moving)
how to reveal the eyes showing
Model x2 --> 1 for nice grandma, 1 for evil grandma
Model and Rigging will foucs on the Head because he is going to bark at Chunpy.(Teeth hides in the mouth before barking)
3. about lighting
a. 光源問題 - Grandma 的 monster shadow 出現時的光源和 lighting 的氣份如何轉換..
solution 01. camera pull back 後帶出來整個氣憤是比較詭異的 lighting..maybe 只有table 上方是一盞柔和的 spotlight, 另一盞 spot light 是往標本箱照過去, 還有一盞是用於給老婆婆shadow的邪惡光.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Basiclly, it's from K's article. Hope everyone can read it for a while then we can add or delete something.
It is also for getting more feeling when we are doing the presentation or being asked question after the presentation.
This is a story about a bird, an old lady and more birds.
This bird was pushed by other birds when they were fighting for food. With the irresistible attraction of seeing more food, he ignored anything that might be dangerous. So he started to follow an old lady who had a bag of bird food. After overcoming many dangerous obstacles, the bird finally went into the old lady's house which was far away from his sweet home, the park.
We always consider that the safest place is our house. But, by using different angles of camera shots, audiences would know the lady’s house is not as safe as we might think. It seems like the lady is treating the bird very nice and kindness. After finishing his breakfast, the bird finally found something unusual. Lots of glass cases with different color of bird specimens were hanging on the wall. The lady shows her true personality by start to catch Chunky. She is a collector of bird specimens, and this orange bird is the last one she needs in her collection.
This story is about a war between humans and birds. But it also tells us not to live apart from others. The bird finally learns a lesson -he would never risk his life for food.
The inspiration of this story comes from the experience of our daily lives. One day, one of our group members created a short story. The story was about someone who uses something delicious to trick a bird. Then we started a series discussion to let the story makes more sense. A lot of topics about humans and birds, good and evil, big and small, fast and slow, dangerous and safe. Then the story for our proposal was created.
We used a lot of metaphors in the story we are going to animate. For example, the dog's barking and cars passing quickly signal approaching danger. However, the most danger comes from the old lady. We should know that the old lady is not as kind as she looks and the bird is not as stupid as we think from the interaction between the old lady and the bird. Finally, the bird wins this war because of his flexibility body.
Besides, we tried to tell the story by using different camera angles and timing. We are going to use that to present the untold dangers of this world.
At last, the concept behind this story tells us the importance of group work and how important to get on well with your friends. We might have some benefits for a little while by being selfish but we might also place ourselves in unpredictable dangers. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Story finished
One morning, in a park, there was an old lady sitting on a bench and some birds were pecking food on the ground. The old lady was throwing bird food from her hands. A cute orange bird was trying to get to the food but he was pushed away by other birds. His name was Chunpy. Chunpy noticed some other bird foods was dropping behind him. It was from a hole of the lady's paper bag. Bird's foods keep been falling from the little hole of the bag while the lady walked away from the park. So, Chunpy started to follow the lady. Chunpy ignored a violent dog's which is barking at him and then kept following the old lady and eating. He also ignored the high-speed cars on the street. He almost died under the wheels of a car. The only thing he cared about was food. He finally reached the destination - the lady's apartment. He soon went into the room from the window to looking for more food. The old lady was preparing her own breakfast, and Chunpy found his too. The old lady was nice and she seemed to be nice and let Chunpy ate as much as he wanted. After Chunpy finished his breakfast, he found a secret of this house. The whole wall was full of bird specimen cases and he was the right size and color to fit into the one which was empty. Finally, the old lady showed her real purpose and started to go after Chunpy. After being chased by the lady, Chunpy was caught but soon escaped in extremely delicate situation. He squashed and slipped from the lady’s hand and bounced to the window he came in. He rebounded from the ground to the top of a high-speed car then rebound to the dog’s head. Then he rebounded and crossed a wall of the park. He finally went back to the park by bouncing and got a lesson when he got back to the park. He shouldn’t go away from his friend. By the end of the adventure, Chunpy learned the importance of being together and no such thing as free lunch.
To Eric and Tina..
We have to finish blocking and thumbnails.
By the way, C. K. said Eric could begin to send the homework to him.
Lighting 列表
anyhow..我先列出要弄的 lighting 項目, 可是我不太確定是怎樣的景, 只知道明顯的和其他景不同, 大家一起想想吧..
1. Grandma, Chunpy and birds in the park.
2. Chunpy follows Grandma and meets Chunko on the street.
3. On the cross street.
4. Arrive the appartment.
5. Chunpy flies into the appartment.
6. The scene we can see Chunpy flies from the window of the apartment.
7. Grandma plays with Chunpy.
8. Bird Specimens ont the wall.
9. The scene Grandma's monster shadow appear behind Chunpy.
Tina 也大概就畫這些 scene 的 color 逼播吧..
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
momo 3
還有animation 就照查爾斯講的 用 shot/secne來分 少秒的就做多一點shot
Texture Layout
就是說layout 跟tecture(lighting)通時進行
還有我們的props and sets 是不規則的
鳥食-bird seed
紙的雜聲- paper crash, paper scrabble
唱盤-哎呀 忘記問.
鏡頭由上往下叫-down shot
左右- pan
上下- tilt(降拼ㄇ)
低低在地上看過去的鏡頭-low angle
跟著character/object 跑 -dolly
往遠離觀眾的方向跑-track in
往靠近觀眾的方向接近-track out
story 的 feedback 回來拉
Charles 必須達到進度表...
Character Narrative --> 已經post在下面了
Lighting 工作分配表--> 還沒弄啦...
Animation 工作分配表--> 幹..也還沒啦...明天天亮前給你啦...
Car Design...
我的 Resume
我的 autobiobraphy....啊~~~我要哭了啦...
Character narrative - 修正了一些拼字和文法 am 9:46 09272005
Age : 12
Sex : Male
Birthday : May. 5th
Site : Taurus
Tall :
Weight : iPOD x 1
Blood type : B
Father : Chunpy, Yellow
Mother : Chunpy. Red
Favorite color : Red and Yellow, hate purple
Favorite Food : bird food – strawberry favor
Favorite Music : Rock
Narrative :
Chunpy is an orphan. His parent had disappeared since he was a child. He has to keep eating so that he could feel a sense of security. Because of this, he usually ignores the danger around him.
He is a segregative guy. He doesn’t has any friend and usually like to do any thing by himself. He thinks himself is an independent and strong-minded person.
By the way, he is the only orange one in the birds’ group.
Age : 75
Sex : Female
Birthday : Dec. 17th
Site : Shooter
Tall :
Weight : Chunpy x 4
Blood type : B
Interest : To collect birds specimens with different color
Favorite Food : rice and chicken
Favorite Music : Jazz
Favorite pet : cat
Narrative :
Grandma is an expert in birds. She is crazy for collecting bird specimens, especially in different kind of color. Her husband died very early. Lonely and sadness makes her changes a lot. She might be a schizoid.
Age : 15
Sex : Male
Birthday : July. 9th
Site : unknown
Tall :
Weight : Chunpy x 50
Blood type : A
Favorite Food : Cesar (chicken favor)
Dislike color : gray
Narrative :
Chunko is a bulldog. His master loves him a lot. He usually barks at anything unfamiliar. He will do anything to protect his territory. Actually, he is a trouble maker.
There are some birds and an old lady in a park in the morning.
Birds food are dropping from this old lady. She was feeding these birds. An orange cute bird was pushing by other birds when he was eating. His name is Chunpy. Chunpy notice some other birds food was dropping behind him. It’s from the lady’s bird food paper bag. Bird food keeps dropping from a little hole of the bag while the lady walks away from the park. Then, Chunpy starts to follow the lady.
Chunpy ignores a violent dog’s barking and keeps following and eating. He also ignore the high-speed cars on the road. He almost dies under the wheels of a car. The only thing he cares about is food.
He passes the second danger of his life on this day and finally reaches the destination - old lady’s apartment. He hasn’t learned the lesson yet and soon goes through the window for more food. The old lady is preparing her own breakfast. So, Chunpy also find his breakfast. The old lady is kindly and nicely let Chunpy eats as much as he wants.
After Chunpy finishing his breakfast, he finds a secret of this house. The whole wall is full of bird specimen cases. And he is fit to the last one. Finally, the old lady shows her real personality and starts to go after Chunpy. In a series running, Chunpy is caught by the old lady but soon escape in extremely delicate situation. He finally goes back to the park and gets a lesson. He won’t go away from his friends. He learns the importance of being together.
(是從以下 K大爺的文章翻譯的..)你先隨便看看有沒有很嚴重的錯誤再幫我送啦..
Chunpy’s breakfast故事
鳥飼料像雨點般的灑落,Grandma此時正在公園飼餵鳥兒。Chunpy,一隻帶有橘色羽毛、造型可愛的鳥,正奮力的啄食,但周遭的同伴的不斷推擠,使Chunpy難以在同伴間生活。突然,Chunpy發現了鳥飼料竟然在旁掉落,使Chunpy 在度恢復信心,重心燃起追求食物之旅。
隨著Grandma的離開,Chunpyㄧ路跟隨著,Grandma的鳥飼料,卻因紙袋的破洞,而讓Chunpy藉此飽餐一頓。但Chunpy並不因此滿足,依舊跟隨著Grandma。在公園角外一角的Chunko,對於Chunpy的來到感到陌生,Chunpy 因為美食的誘惑,竟不畏懼的Chunko咆哮,仍持續啄食Grandma所不小心遺留的飼料。就這樣一路尾隨到了一條車潮快速的十字路口,Chunpy眼見Grandma已通過了馬路,而鳥飼料亦沿途遺留在大馬路上,拼了命的Chunpy再也顧不得車速的奔馳,一心一意為了食物。此時,一輛高速疾駛的的車子正朝著Chunpy迎面而來…..。
一整片牆壁的鳥兒標本,嚇壞了原本只是為了覓食的Chunpy,而Grandma這時也露出了她真面目。一連串的追逐,終於弱小的Chunpy被Grandma給抓住了。就一個滑手Grandma卻又讓到手的Chunpy給逃出…..。Chunpy回到了原來的公園裡,經過了這次教訓,Chunpy 不敢再貪心,他決定與周遭同伴一起覓食,不在離群生活。而Chunpy也學到了團結的重要性。
Monday, September 26, 2005
Abstract of the story (OWL 修改版)
Blog Post 文章統一格式
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