There are some birds and an old lady in a park in the morning.
Birds food are dropping from this old lady. She was feeding these birds. An orange cute bird was pushing by other birds when he was eating. His name is Chunpy. Chunpy notice some other birds food was dropping behind him. It’s from the lady’s bird food paper bag. Bird food keeps dropping from a little hole of the bag while the lady walks away from the park. Then, Chunpy starts to follow the lady.
Chunpy ignores a violent dog’s barking and keeps following and eating. He also ignore the high-speed cars on the road. He almost dies under the wheels of a car. The only thing he cares about is food.
He passes the second danger of his life on this day and finally reaches the destination - old lady’s apartment. He hasn’t learned the lesson yet and soon goes through the window for more food. The old lady is preparing her own breakfast. So, Chunpy also find his breakfast. The old lady is kindly and nicely let Chunpy eats as much as he wants.
After Chunpy finishing his breakfast, he finds a secret of this house. The whole wall is full of bird specimen cases. And he is fit to the last one. Finally, the old lady shows her real personality and starts to go after Chunpy. In a series running, Chunpy is caught by the old lady but soon escape in extremely delicate situation. He finally goes back to the park and gets a lesson. He won’t go away from his friends. He learns the importance of being together.
(是從以下 K大爺的文章翻譯的..)你先隨便看看有沒有很嚴重的錯誤再幫我送啦..
Chunpy’s breakfast故事
鳥飼料像雨點般的灑落,Grandma此時正在公園飼餵鳥兒。Chunpy,一隻帶有橘色羽毛、造型可愛的鳥,正奮力的啄食,但周遭的同伴的不斷推擠,使Chunpy難以在同伴間生活。突然,Chunpy發現了鳥飼料竟然在旁掉落,使Chunpy 在度恢復信心,重心燃起追求食物之旅。
隨著Grandma的離開,Chunpyㄧ路跟隨著,Grandma的鳥飼料,卻因紙袋的破洞,而讓Chunpy藉此飽餐一頓。但Chunpy並不因此滿足,依舊跟隨著Grandma。在公園角外一角的Chunko,對於Chunpy的來到感到陌生,Chunpy 因為美食的誘惑,竟不畏懼的Chunko咆哮,仍持續啄食Grandma所不小心遺留的飼料。就這樣一路尾隨到了一條車潮快速的十字路口,Chunpy眼見Grandma已通過了馬路,而鳥飼料亦沿途遺留在大馬路上,拼了命的Chunpy再也顧不得車速的奔馳,一心一意為了食物。此時,一輛高速疾駛的的車子正朝著Chunpy迎面而來…..。
一整片牆壁的鳥兒標本,嚇壞了原本只是為了覓食的Chunpy,而Grandma這時也露出了她真面目。一連串的追逐,終於弱小的Chunpy被Grandma給抓住了。就一個滑手Grandma卻又讓到手的Chunpy給逃出…..。Chunpy回到了原來的公園裡,經過了這次教訓,Chunpy 不敢再貪心,他決定與周遭同伴一起覓食,不在離群生活。而Chunpy也學到了團結的重要性。
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okok 馬上送拉
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