Friday, September 30, 2005

Presentation 可能遭遇問題大接龍啦...

先 post 一個先..
1. 鳥的走路方式是如何呢??
jump --> by squash and stretch
fly --> by his wings moving fast..but his flying is very very slow
wak-->by his legs

2. About Rigging
Model x2 --> 1 for before he was full, 1 is after full
each model has 2 rigging --> 1 for jumping (more squash and stretch), 1 for walking and pecking the bird seeds(more root ,leg and shoulder moving)

how to reveal the eyes showing
Model x2 --> 1 for nice grandma, 1 for evil grandma

Model and Rigging will foucs on the Head because he is going to bark at Chunpy.(Teeth hides in the mouth before barking)

3. about lighting
a. 光源問題 - Grandma 的 monster shadow 出現時的光源和 lighting 的氣份如何轉換..
solution 01. camera pull back 後帶出來整個氣憤是比較詭異的 lighting..maybe 只有table 上方是一盞柔和的 spotlight, 另一盞 spot light 是往標本箱照過去, 還有一盞是用於給老婆婆shadow的邪惡光.

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